Thursday, March 13, 2008

It's a...

For those of you that don't know yet, we are expecting baby #2! You know what everyone does when they find out your pregnant? They quickly receive the gift of prophecy and tell you what you're going to have. "It's going to be a boy! You're already showing!," thank you for calling me a beached whale in the nicest way possible "Oh, Katie, it's going to be a girl I just know it! You've been sick and you're hair has gotten slightly darker." Well, thank you for the insight but I tried dying my hair dark and I was sick with Griffin too, and I'm pretty sure he has a wee wee so, I'm not going to trust your "prophecy" and paint the nursery yet. However, I will trust the monitor showing the somewhat shaped like a baby image. "Do you want to know what you're having?," the nurse asked Christopher and I as she put the oh so cold jelly on my belly. "Yes, we do!"

"It's a Girl!"

she said the second she saw the image, without hesitation. Wow, now that was instant results right there!!!! So, there you have it. Chris feels as though he is officially ruinned and I'm still feeling a bit vomitous with a side of heartburn. As for the name--her first name will be Taylor and the middle name is still up in the air. So you can vote if you'd like. Taylor Morgan or Taylor Madeline. Help the Hookers decide the fate of the next Hooker female.


Kelli said...

YEAAAA it's a girl!!

Wendy said...

Morgan....I am excited for you!!


The Fokens Family said...

Yay! A GIRL!! SO thrilled for you. It will be fun to think PINK.

Andy Berryman said...

I'm voting for Madeline, mostly for the 2-3-2 syllable thing with the full name.

Mommy and Grif

Mommy and Grif
At the Puerto Rican Fest!

Bath Time!

Bath Time!
Griffin Loves the bath!