Monday, March 17, 2008

I got a turkey...twice

So, not too long ago Christopher and I went to Nashville to visit some friends and decided to go bowling at the local hot spot. I've always enjoyed bowling but have never been extremely good at it; although, I can hold my own! With the usual, "I'm ready to kick some booty" attitude (even though I know I will not win) we began our friendly game of bowling. Girls against boys (as if that is EVER fair). The boys quickly realized, I was in it to win it! Never in my life have I gotten three strikes in a row...until I was pregnant in Nashville!
That's right, I got a Turkey the first game. And then the second game. I was on fire. Two turkies in one day. Amazing. The old man that was bowling a few lanes down came over and talked to me about me SKILLZ!!!! He said he was in the top 7 bowlers that frequented those lanes. Might I brag for a minute and say that his score was not far off from mine! Either this baby is going to be a bowler or I've just realized what profession I should look into! (Let me explain the pictures:The bowling balls I just thought were pretty. The Turkey, well, of course that's the proof that I did get them. The old man is the one that thought I was a prodigy. And the last one is me and Christopher with our friends. Good times are always to be had in Nashville!

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