Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Need Sleep!

So, today I'm not blogging, I'm journaling. Griffin has decided he does not like sleep any more. Either that or he just doesn't want me to have any sleep. Either way, no one's sleeping. Last night he woke up at 1:30-ish and was screaming his little head off in a way I have not heard from him before (at least at night). It worried me, so I went upstairs to see if I could give a hand. I picked him up out of his crib and it did not even seem to help in the slightest. Something was up. Usually when I pick him up, he at least tones it down a notch. Not this time. He was hysterical. I started singing and it seemed to help some. I changed his diaper, sang some more, rocked him, rubbed his back, still all the while he's still just a screamin'! Finally, he calmed down, and laid his little head on my shoulder and just listened to me pleading for him to go to sleep. Finally I put him in his crib, which did not make him very happy, told myself he's just going to have to sort this one out of his own, went back to bed and listened to the monitor blaring at me for the next 15 minutes. Until finally silence followed by snoring. It was now about 2:11 AM and I closed my sleepy eyes and drifted back to sleep. But not for long! He was back up at 3:00 AM and then 5:00 AM. Well, when the alarm clock is set for 5:27 AM, at this point I'm thinking I should just give up on the whole idea of sleeping. I'm not sure what's going on with him??!! Growth spurt, teething, sore muscles from all this walking, or bad dreams? I don't know. Everything with kids seems to be a phase. Here today gone tomorrow kind of thing. Well, hopefully this phase won't last long because this pregnant woman is sleepy!


The Fokens Family said...

Hello Hookers! So happy to read and find your blog. It's fun to read that NO one is sleeping!

jani said...

Hi Katie! I found your blog from Kelli's- we're excited to keep up with you guys on your blog! Check ours out- it's
Love the pictures of Griffin- he is a doll! Congrats on the pregnancy! When are you due? Hope you're feeling better soon!

Mommy and Grif

Mommy and Grif
At the Puerto Rican Fest!

Bath Time!

Bath Time!
Griffin Loves the bath!